East Carolina Implants And Periodontics - Greenville, NC

IV Sedation

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we understand the apprehension that often accompanies periodontal and surgical procedures. That’s why our expert team goes the extra mile to ensure your dental journey is as comfortable and seamless as possible.

We proudly offer our patients the option of intravenous (IV) sedation—a safe and reliable method that guarantees relaxation throughout treatment. In this way, you can rest easy and confidently face your dental appointment, knowing your comfort is our number one priority. Read below to learn more about IV sedation in our Greenville, NC office!

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation, also known as conscious sedation, is a type of anesthesia delivered through a vein, typically in your arm or hand. Unlike general anesthesia, which renders you fully unconscious, IV sedation puts you in a state of deep relaxation. You will be conscious and able to respond to directions but likely won’t remember much of the procedure afterward. 

It’s an excellent option for patients who experience dental anxiety or are undergoing lengthy or complex procedures.

How Does IV Sedation Work?

IV sedation works to induce deep relaxation and tranquility through the use of sedatives. Once the sedative is administered through an IV drip, you’ll start to feel its effects almost immediately. You will remain conscious but feel very relaxed and a little drowsy. The level of sedation can be easily controlled and adjusted throughout the procedure by our certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) to ensure your utmost comfort.

The Benefits Of IV Sedation

There are many benefits to choosing IV sedation for your dental procedure. 

  • Firstly, it provides a profound state of relaxation, helping you stay calm and anxiety-free during the treatment. 
  • It also works quickly, providing immediate relief from potential discomfort.
  • For complex or multiple procedures, IV sedation allows these to be performed in fewer visits. Plus, it can alleviate the fatigue associated with long procedures, as time often seems to pass more quickly under sedation.
  • Patients typically remember little to nothing about their procedure while under IV sedation, which can be beneficial for those with dental anxiety. 
  • Lastly, because the level of sedation can be adjusted in real-time, it ensures a controlled, comfortable experience for each patient.

IV Sedation FAQs

Is IV Sedation Safe?

Yes, IV sedation is safe when administered by trained professionals like our team at East Carolina Implants and Periodontics. We continuously monitor your vital signs during the procedure to ensure your safety.

Is Everyone A Candidate For IV Sedation?

While IV sedation is a safe option for many patients, it might not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as age, overall health, certain medical conditions, and medication use can influence the suitability of IV sedation. 

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we’ll thoroughly evaluate your medical history and discuss your options to determine if IV sedation is the right choice for you.

How Long Does IV Sedation Last?

The duration of IV sedation can vary based on the specific needs of your procedure. However, you should plan for lingering effects to last at least a few hours after the procedure.

Can I Drive After IV Sedation?

No, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure due to the residual effects of the sedative.

Experience Tranquil Treatment With IV Sedation

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we believe in providing not only exceptional periodontal care but also a comfortable and worry-free experience. Our IV sedation option is just one of the ways we put patient comfort at the forefront of what we do. 

If you’re ready for a dental experience that prioritizes your relaxation as well as your oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and explore how we can make your next visit a comfortable one. You deserve quality care in a serene environment; let us deliver that. Call today!

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we understand the apprehension that often accompanies periodontal and surgical procedures. That’s why our expert team goes the extra mile to ensure your dental journey is as comfortable and seamless as possible.

We proudly offer our patients the option of intravenous (IV) sedation—a safe and reliable method that guarantees relaxation throughout treatment. In this way, you can rest easy and confidently face your dental appointment, knowing your comfort is our number one priority. Read below to learn more about IV sedation in our Greenville, NC office!

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation, also known as conscious sedation, is a type of anesthesia delivered through a vein, typically in your arm or hand. Unlike general anesthesia, which renders you fully unconscious, IV sedation puts you in a state of deep relaxation. You will be conscious and able to respond to directions but likely won’t remember much of the procedure afterward. 

It’s an excellent option for patients who experience dental anxiety or are undergoing lengthy or complex procedures.

How Does IV Sedation Work?

IV sedation works to induce deep relaxation and tranquility through the use of sedatives. Once the sedative is administered through an IV drip, you’ll start to feel its effects almost immediately. You will remain conscious but feel very relaxed and a little drowsy. The level of sedation can be easily controlled and adjusted throughout the procedure by our certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) to ensure your utmost comfort.

The Benefits Of IV Sedation

There are many benefits to choosing IV sedation for your dental procedure. 

  • Firstly, it provides a profound state of relaxation, helping you stay calm and anxiety-free during the treatment. 
  • It also works quickly, providing immediate relief from potential discomfort.
  • For complex or multiple procedures, IV sedation allows these to be performed in fewer visits. Plus, it can alleviate the fatigue associated with long procedures, as time often seems to pass more quickly under sedation.
  • Patients typically remember little to nothing about their procedure while under IV sedation, which can be beneficial for those with dental anxiety. 
  • Lastly, because the level of sedation can be adjusted in real-time, it ensures a controlled, comfortable experience for each patient.

IV Sedation FAQs

Is IV Sedation Safe?

Yes, IV sedation is safe when administered by trained professionals like our team at East Carolina Implants and Periodontics. We continuously monitor your vital signs during the procedure to ensure your safety.

Is Everyone A Candidate For IV Sedation?

While IV sedation is a safe option for many patients, it might not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as age, overall health, certain medical conditions, and medication use can influence the suitability of IV sedation. 

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we’ll thoroughly evaluate your medical history and discuss your options to determine if IV sedation is the right choice for you.

How Long Does IV Sedation Last?

The duration of IV sedation can vary based on the specific needs of your procedure. However, you should plan for lingering effects to last at least a few hours after the procedure.

Can I Drive After IV Sedation?

No, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure due to the residual effects of the sedative.

Experience Tranquil Treatment With IV Sedation

At East Carolina Implants and Periodontics, we believe in providing not only exceptional periodontal care but also a comfortable and worry-free experience. Our IV sedation option is just one of the ways we put patient comfort at the forefront of what we do. 

If you’re ready for a dental experience that prioritizes your relaxation as well as your oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and explore how we can make your next visit a comfortable one. You deserve quality care in a serene environment; let us deliver that. Call today!

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